Archaeology in books, tv-series, movies, anime-mangas, videogames and any other narrative media in popular (but not necessarily so pop...) culture.
These contents might take the form of s-parsed digital notes and considerations on archaeology as featured and represented in those medias.
I know it's nothing so original, but still I wanted to compile and share my list of encounters between these topics, as I can't deny anymore I'm a nerd (for both things).
I start this as a personal project, no expectation but to have a somewhat ordered list of observations whenever I feel like commenting these encounters, so it's by no mean a complete nor a proper research work.
It may end up like a hunt for crossovers on the topics with commentaries, some written at length and some just drafted, some complete blog posts and some fragmented notes with day-by-day reactions.
That's the idea.
Index of further subcategories:
Miscellaneous list of blogposts:
Archaeological stuff in Black Desert Online -spoiler: there's quite a lot!
Archaeology in the Digimon series.