Image Gallery
Here are hosted some humble visual works I have either created or remixed.
I'm still setting up this page so please DO NOT USE ANY MATERIAL FROM HERE and in particular regarding licences all the works must be assumed to have a (provisional -as I'd prefer to release all with Creative Commons) strict copyright license, unless stated otherwise, so if interested please contact me!.
Ideally the webpage should feature:
- a responsive image gallery wall (roughly done -to polish)
- have all the images here compressed to thumbnails in order to make the page lighter (but have somewhat better quality ones in each dedicated webpages explained below)
- images can be clicked to access related webpages with full-screen version, title, description and public licence as well as links to full-resolution versions and related files if any
- all images having a proper title/alt text, in the dedicated webpages, and even as thumbnails here (for accessibility)
[also currently migrating content from my DeviantArt account...]