About this website
Here can be found meta-information about the website: initial ideas and concept development, resources used to build its features, roadmap for wished implementations.
Also, a further resources section for stuff and comments which doesn't fit previous sections. Possibly, just to record trashed ideas and outdated comments on implemented features, unless I decide to strike-through bullet points in the roadmap list instead -everytime I manage or discard them...
Why creating this website
Some reasons are already presented at random in the main "About" page, ...
How I'm building this website
This website aims to be as open-source (actually FLOSS aka Free/Libre Open Source Software) as possible as its source code can be found here.
Its contents are mostly released under a Creative Commons license (specifically the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 or Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International) unless otherwise specified, meaning it's free to share-reuse-remix with same license and without commercial purpose, as long as proper credits are given to the author(s) of the source materials (code, text, images etc...) -me included, please, as a lot here will be personal stuff I share in this corner of the Web.
Fundamental resource has been the italian website and community of LeAlternative. Their project is aimed at disseminating beginner-level open-source and privacy-friendly alternatives to proprietary software while also raising awareness on the ethics of electronics. Along with insightful resources on these topics (such as PrivacyGuides, EticaDigitale and The512KBClub LINKS!!!), thanks to them I've discovered the Neocities platform, which propted me to finally experiment into building my own basic website.
Other resources used can be found below:
What I'd like this website to have (next)
Basically the roadmap for features I'd like to improve and/or to implement in the future. Some require but a little digital gardening from time to time while others are just out of reach of my current skills (so I either learn how to do it myself or ask for help).
Here they are, sparse and annotated mostly, but the idea is the first ones have priority:
- update this roadmap constantly
- merge notes between Joplin and the about/This-website.html (try convert formatting with Pandoc or exporting as HTML directly from Joplin!)
- add quick comments directly on HTML Templates, to replicate in webpages reusing them, to verbosely explain structural choices or simply explain what they're for (e.g.: nav in header; single blogpost limited nav; to-top non-button etc...)
- research about the "keyword" tag for the "head" element and possibly add to webpages and templates
- improve "back button" and "home" as particular navigation bar in single webpages/blogposts
- fix background and visited-links colours
- "back-button" has a turning arrow symbol followed by the text "go back to category index", aligned left, while "home" button should simply be the website logo followed by the name aligned to center
both are part of a nav tag, part of a sticky-to-top but unintrusive navigation bar to add into the header tag (just like for index webpages which have the complete website navigation bar)
- add "Back to page start" following these guidelines https://jkorpela.fi/www/totop.html (but as a button perhaps?)
- set more space before titles or after paragraphs which precedes titles (that should be possible by modifying related parameters in the main CSS taken from thebestmfwebsite -following the code to extract from https://ultimatemotherfuckingwebsite.com/ for spacing while adding some more accessibility?)
- improve navigation bar --- https://www.makeuseof.com/responsive-navigation-bar-using-html-and-css/ (sticky on top and reducing to icons/collapsed menu on small screens)
- create nice homepage with title-logo (Fate/-like with S;G subtitle as svg/png for the moment) as part of the header tag https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_responsive_header.asp; https://code-boxx.com/css-responsive-logo/
- add website tab-ico(n) and other icons (navigation bars and footer?)
- add small-and-faded-footer with "Website build by me[link-to/about/Me] with open-(re)source(s)[link-to/about/This-Website]- released under CC-BY...[link-to-license] unless stated otherwise (or others' contents)"
- make index pages with two columns -one for list of direct HTML files in the directory and another for sub-directories (check w3school website-from-scratch example https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_make_a_website.asp!)
- check whether to style with div or section+labelsARIA the title for blogposts templates
- add drafted-only contents (in particular about "WHY" section, missing links, archived URL of links)
- add to homepage: internal website-tree(check/merge other notes!) and external link to personal accounts (as a linktree or search for singlelink html templates again)
- make meta-blogpost in /contents directory
- first (and only?) inside the ~~/blogs~~ /contents folder, apart from the index.html, which further explains what I meant this macro-section to be (stemming from the very origin of the word "blog", copying the definition and initial history from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog#History, to link as source for further resources on the topic)
- index making this choice of terms (resources and contents, what they're meant to have inside, also consideration vs. "assets") and making clear reference to "blogs" kind mostly but not exclusively
- make explicit (in macro-group index or first blog or tech ones?) that single blogs/internal webpages (not index/directory pages) will only have a "back-to-previous-directory" i.e.: "../" (and maybe also a "home" i.e.: "/") button so to make the maintenance/creation of webpages more sustainable (not having to add/change navbar in each html file); also: navbar is not a site-map (for that I'll provide the tree of directories in dedicated webpage!)
- ultimately made it in order to decide directories structure to rename/change folders and their nested organisation, move files into new folders, then fix src and href links
- e.g.: "~~/blogs~~/archaeology/arch-and-videogames/" and "styles" where to put CSS files
- "blogs" instead of "blog" or RATHER sections without redundant "blogs" macro-group???: main focus of this website is archaeology and tech anyway -the truly "personal website" might come later and either be separate or integrate this one
- home/src/img/ or ~/resources/images/; ~/src/css/ or ~/resources/ styles and images and ... (for any other code and resource not to use indipendently or show as content)
- ~/contents/ archaeology and tech and ... (for any other category of content I create and is shown on the website)
- update/complete following contents:
- improve "Website changelog" webpage or section in about/This-website.html
- simple unordered list with date prepended
- full fledged but simple timeline
- both cases: can take from git updates and related commit+comment history?
- Make page with further "Resources" divided in either categories sub-pages or unique webpage with a clickable table of content per categories, nested, to jump-scroll at section (as for a Wiki) and/or make sections collapsible/accordion summaries (as for Logseq) [again I might use "accordion" summaries like here https://dev.to/tota11ydev/accordions-1-5-and-10-minute-versionsall-accessible-quicka11y-2d3b]
- Decide if to put blog thoughts divided in per-day-date-folders, if better management at hand or if not to avoid splitting personal and public notes, in any case should be simple as in Scribe instances (also take inspiration anyway to better format paragraphs in CSS)
- Add inspirational projects which made me want to have my website [either on the "Why" section of About or in in a section per-se or in "extra resources" for digital stuff-ethics (as digital gardens???: tommi.space etc...)
- add tommi.space
- Add https://meyerweb.com/ui/about.html to inspiration (alt-fancy website-view I was looking for?)
- Add https://jeffhuang.com/designed_to_last/ in good practice/inspirations
- Add https://sadgrl.online/webmastery/ in good inspirations
- Add https://ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/ in good practice/inspirations
- Add https://growyourown.services/ in good practice/inspiration (and to expand digital space
- Add https://whitep4nth3r.com/blog/html-is-all-you-need-to-make-a-website/ inspirations (but decide: it does not actually says what I expected...)
- Add https://resilientwebdesign.com/ (still to check actually...)
- Add "FLOSS projects" section (with the ones used, followed, or just suggested)
- Add https://html5up.net/ for site templates (or for other extra resources? Maybe add a nested paragraph with h3 collecting useful resources found but not used/not used for a particular feature)
- add possibility to expand image gallery items into their own description (title, description, licence) page by clicking on them with a simple hover-and-overlay(or fade-slide) effect --- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-create-image-overlay-hover-using-html-css/ ; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18322548/black-transparent-overlay-on-image-hover-with-only-css
- find a way not to heavy too much the image gallery webpage (either by uploading only compressed/thumbnail images there and the full resolution only in dedicated description pages or through an automatic process???) --- https://web.dev/fast/#optimize-your-images
- modify the 'how-to' section of This-website with the two topics (sustainability and ethics) "trying to keep both in mind... philosophy of action... roadmap to self-hosted website/services powered by local renewable energy" --- with links to https://ec0lint.com/ for guidelines and https://www.websitecarbon.com/ for reminding the environmental footprint of technology
- add another main section of the website as a digital-Garden repository for useful-to-others/meaningful-to-me resources (links/materials) and sub-divided in webpages with topics connected with this "digital-" dimension (such as "-Sustainability" "-Ethics" "-Archaeology" and eventual final sections deepening that topic not necessarily connected with digital stuff)
- add section, or subsection(???maybe not convenient for knowledge organisation???) where possible (eg. steins;Gate theme as an art piece in image gallery), of public things I've made and projects I took part to with related links (Steins;Gate theme for firefox ; Amadeus splashscreen ; Things-to-Come translation ; ... )
- publish source code also for having a way to track changes by Git by using either Codeberg or GitLab
- make this a SolarSite (which actually also means self-hosting the website properly)
- simple life-log
- interactive and hyperlinked life-timeline threads (more on this it's written in the ideas and concept section above
- add a switch to render the website in a more fancy way by re-directing to a version with extra-scripts/custom background/fonts --- https://animejs.com/ for eventual animated/styled alter-website to switch to with a button on all webpages (as the dark-mode/high-contrast switcher button in thebestmfwebsite) or as a link to another set of webpages mirroring the others but with css and scripts attached
Further resources and comments
What-why-how I've done and/or discarded ideas and features. A sort of digital dump for record adding some stratigraphy to this site ;D
IF I'll actually fill this section here probably goes all of the changes of mind about where to host the website, which tools to develop it or not, and why. I should actually add timestamps to make it a nice timeline of my failures and a useful record for further fail-safes...
This might be just a quick list, while for the "failing gloriously" purpose I should better make dedicated webpages further explaining the context and process behind relevant choices, linked here from summarised bullet points.
Ultimately this might serve as a commented website changelog.
Migrated all images and descriptions from Deviantart to this personal website's Gallery, implementing the ability to click on images there to open dedicated blogposts, BUT !didn't actually add all the features listed in the Gallery webpage index!
added folder for self-hosted fonts (for banner-title to display properly as svg without converting fonts to paths -which made the svg file weight more and slow down the homepage!)
Published first (incomplete) blogpost in the archaeology (and Narrative Medias section) category! Not exactly relevant for the weblog, but worth noting anyway, and also marking the first considerations about how and which class
to give to sub-sections with momentary thoughts (or "archaeo-logs" as explained further in the Tech category)
Trying to settle in the code decisions over navigation bar and website structure with related styling; creation and publication of first TrowelTips homepage banner; discussion over creating one-pager categories instead of nested directories and single webpages for sub-categories (e.g.: not creating a "arch-and-games" folder, but putting it all into the "archaeology" folder, so only nesting and sub-nesting sectioning elements as indexes lists for blogposts in the general category index webpage)
Change yet another html structure for blogposts and indexes following standards at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/sections.html#the-section-element (improved discovering the "hgroup" tag...)
Finally made up my mind about how to semantically (or not) divide single blogposts and index pages through https://css-tricks.com/how-to-section-your-html/#dont-swap-div-for-a-section (with sections, divs, classes or headers)
- Added first navbar
- Tried timeline for website changelog
add a "Website changelog" webpage or section in about/This-website.html > put there changes in hosting and content uploading methods [from NeoCities to CodebergPages; manual commit via git (add simple guide)... idea to move to headless CMS/Hugo (more info and resources on what I tried or want to try for the website in about/This-website.html ]
- simple unordered list with date prepended
- full fledged but simple timeline
- both cases: can take from git updates and related commit+comment history?
Actually remade website's directory structure and file placing
- Decided final directory structure by drawing site-map on paper notebook, choosing this website not to be the personal one meant at first (not yet at least), rather a blog focused on few topics and hosting some personal content to later merge in an eventual bigger website (or main domain with sub-domains for different stuff/services)
- ultimately decide directories structure to rename/change folders and their nested organisation, move files into new folders, then fix src and href links
- e.g.: "~~/blogs~~/archaeology/arch-and-videogames/" and "styles" where to put CSS files
- "blogs" instead of "blog" or RATHER sections without redundant "blogs" macro-group???: main focus of this website is archaeology and tech anyway -the truly "personal website" might come later and either be separate or integrate this one
- home/src/img/ or ~/resources/images/; ~/src/css/ or ~/resources/ styles and images and ... (for any other code and resource not to use indipendently or show as content)
- ~/contents/ archaeology and tech and ... (for any other category of content I create and is shown on the website)
- meta-blogpost anyway
- index making this choice of terms (resources and contents, what they're meant to have inside, also consideration vs. "assets") and making clear reference to "blogs" kind mostly but not exclusively
- first (and only?) inside the ~~/blogs~~ /contents folder, apart from the index.html, which further explains what I meant this macro-section to be (stemming from the very origin of the word "blog", copying the definition and initial history from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog#History, to link as source for further resources on the topic)
- make explicit (in macro-group index or first blog or tech ones?) that single blogs/internal webpages (not index/directory pages) will only have a "back-to-previous-directory" i.e.: "../" (and maybe also a "home" i.e.: "/") button so to make the maintenance/creation of webpages more sustainable (not having to add/change navbar in each html file); also: navbar is not a site-map (for that I'll provide the tree of directories in dedicated webpage!)
- quick blogging commentary serie on "Archaeology in anime-manga, videogames, and popular culture in general" [description] "S-parsed digital notes and considerations on archaeology as featured and represented in anime-manga, videogames, and popular culture in general!
I know it's nothing so original, but still I wanted to compile and share my list of encounters between these topics, as I can't deny anymore I'm a nerd (for both things).
I start this as a personal project, no expectation but to have a somewhat ordered list of observations whenever I feel like commenting these encounters, so it's by no mean a complete nor a proper research work. It may end up like a hunt for crossovers on the topics with commentaries, some written at length and some just drafted, some complete blog posts and some fragmented notes with day-by-day reactions.
That's the idea." >>> tried anew on another website (to lift the trial off)
- make lists in about/This-website.html (and everywhere else) collapsible/accordion for better readability
- for this: I've discovered I can use "accordion" summaries like here https://dev.to/tota11ydev/accordions-1-5-and-10-minute-versionsall-accessible-quicka11y-2d3b
- but see also https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_collapsible.asp and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24977965/collapsible-lists-using-html-and-css
Getting back to the idea of a truly static and HTML-CSS pure website and finally tidying up the Codeberg repository to start adding contents
2022-12-05 - 2023
- Notably: my confusion whether to use WordPress, headless CMS or else, or not
- Decided to drop updating Neocities as main hosting in favour of Codeberg as providing better access to source code and chance to train with git versioning
- Tried some Jekyll and Hugo
- Also dropped static website generators as still too 'abstracting' processing (far less than CMS tho)
- Another try to use WP only as a back-end, only for database management and flexibility in changing contents' categories, failed
Created first two (meta-)blogposts on html templates to reuse inside the website and on git basics to update the repo
- Registered account on Codeberg.org and migrating the static website to the "pages" repository to use their automatic hosting service
- Moved to codeberg and its "Pages" service: mention I'll eventually update the neocities' page, as it's a nice project, and easier for everyone to get started if not interested to learn Git!) [also: update the "about" section when writing about git- and versioning and move to things as done]
Registered account on Neocities.org and created the "TrowelTips" static website with webpages drafts for Home, About, Gallery
- Note on a paper notebook with a story-telling idea, sketches of website structure, and webpage contents for a blog on archaeology named "TrowelsTips"
- Idea dropped in favour of an simplier micro-blogging on Mastodon (short-lived...)
Reconstructed date of a paper draft with pencil sketches for my personal website's structure
2019 - 2020
Semester when I had IT classes at Bachelor, discovered Linux, and started thinking about actually creating a personal website
Example of a changelog